Thursday, April 28, 2016

Interview Qoestions SharePoint 2013 Admin

1. Ques - Delete a site collection how to retrive it without touching the database?
   Ans  - Through powershell

2. Ques - Configuration of search and configuration of user profile services.

3. Ques - How you do Patching and after that what you checked.
   Ans  - Below are the steps
1. Go to the server
2. Open the link of the patch in browser and download the patch
3. Run the patch
4. If patch need the to restart the server then we restart them
5. After done the patch we check the site URLs and workflows

4. Ques - 1 or 2 condition where you stuck.
   And  - Enabling the hedden feature

5. Ques - Why you use 3 app server?
   Ans  - In one we configure to Central admin and other two for services.

6. Ques - Different between backup and export?
   Ans  - backup is junrally use for Farm level, application level, site collection level and site level
          Export is junrally use for List, Library, Sub site level

7. Ques - Audit log and scope of this?
   Ans  - Audit Logging gives the following information in Site Collection:
1. Opening or downloading documents, viewing items in lists, or viewing item properties
2. Editing items
3. Checking out or checking in items
4. Moving or copying items to another location in the site
5. Deleting or restoring items
6. Editing content types and columns
7. Searching site content
8. Editing users and permissions

Scope of the Aduit log is Site collection level

8. Ques - What is Proxy server? Why we use proxy?
   Ans  - proxy server, also known as a "proxy" or "application-level gateway", is a computer that acts as a gateway between a local network (e.g., all the computers at one company or in one building) and a larger-scale network such as the Internet. Proxy servers provide increased performance and security.

9. SharePoint search windows services---

SharePoint Server 2013 Windows Services
Document Conversions Launcher for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 (DCLauncher15)
Document Conversions Load Balancer for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 (DCLoadBalancer15)
SharePoint Server Search 15 (OSearch15)
SharePoint Administration (SPAdminV4)
SharePoint Search Host Controller (SPSearchHostController)
SharePoint Timer Service (SPTimerV4)
SharePoint Tracing Service (SPTraceV4)
SharePoint User Code Host (SPUserCodeV4)
SharePoint VSS Writer (SPWriterV4)
AppFabric Caching Service (AppFabricCachingService)
World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC)

Link for Library(Folder) under top navigation in site

Please follow the steps to make a link for a library(folder) under top navigation in site.

Ø  Go to your site and Click the gear icon (top right corner),
Ø  Go to site setting and click on Navigation under Look and Feel.

Ø  Provide Title for link (like Projects)

Ø  Provide URL of the library(https://******** ) in URL section.
Ø  Click Ok

Ø  Again Click Ok on Navigation page. Now Folder Name is appear on the site page.

Sharepoint sites are slow

There were two issues that we found during troubleshooting:
1.       Again alternate access mappings were found to be changed for Intranet zone from https to http on SharePoint – 80 Web application.
2.       IIS Worker process was consuming 70% - CPU on ******4936 server and 75% on *****4941 server.

To resolve we performed below steps:
1.       Corrected access mapping for Intranet zone to https again as it was before.

2.       IIS Reset

Issue Trusted location in Sharepoint 2013

Three  Solution to fix the Excel Client Issue:
1.       At the Document Library set the "Opening Documents in the Browser" setting to "Open in client application". Go to Library settings

Click on Advance setting

Then select the “Open in the client Application” and OK.

  • Central Administration --> Manage service applications.
  • Click on Excel services Application.
  • Then click on Trusted file locations
  • You can see that http:// is already there, (you may want to add https:// if the URL is secured) 
  • Also Check the Children Trusted box.

     3. At the site collection level activate the "Open Documents in Client Applications by default Feature"

Update the date column formate in Sharepoint 2013

Q:- Is there a way to display the date including time (like it was in the previous version – see picture)

Ans :- Yes it is there, Please follow the below steps to update the date column format.
1.       Go to the list/library settings page
2.       Click on date and time column from settings page.
3.       Update the display format to “standard”.


Or else you can send me the lists/library links so I will update from my end.

Please let me know if you have any concern.